by Kim Linwood | Jun 21, 2015 | Writing Diary
This post's a little late, since I fell asleep before getting to it. 🙂 Date night was fantastic, though! We're around 22,000 words into the story now, and moving forwards. I keep swinging between thinking this is the worst crap that's ever been put to (digital) paper,...
by Kim Linwood | Jun 18, 2015 | Writing Diary
Well, today I made some new words! There's a little editing still happening with previously written material, but it's coming together now. Declan and Claire's (did I mention those are their names?) characters are coming together, and there's some story happening....
by Kim Linwood | Jun 17, 2015 | Writing Diary
Today was a decent day. I'm still cleaning up and redirecting existing words, but even so I managed to cram a reasonable number of new words in there. Tomorrow I'm hopefully done with old words completely and only making new ones. At least until edits, or when I...
by Kim Linwood | Jun 16, 2015 | Writing Diary
So most of the day today was spent replotting in a new direction. I really wasn't feeling my original story, and that makes writing like pulling teeth. I got about 15,000 words into my original idea, and it just wasn't doing it for me. And if it's not doing it for me,...
by Kim Linwood | Jun 15, 2015 | Writing Diary
Have you ever hosted a birthday party for a classful of manic 11-year-old boys? I'm amazed I had the energy to make any words today. But I have some. On the bright side, that means that we're all done with birthday related stuff for a while. There might be more...