Stiff Competition

A Graves Brothers Romance
Cover of Yours

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Unless he follows you home.
Thanks to some very poor choices and a discount Elvis, I may have accidentally married the best man.

It’s a ridiculous situation, and I’d take care of it right away if it wasn’t for the fact that my best friend’s wedding is in a week and I’m the maid of honor. Oh, and my new husband? The groom’s brother.

Brandon Graves is the biggest playboy the east coast racing circuit has ever seen. He’s a big ol’ hunk of sexy mischief who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and takes nothing seriously if it wasn’t built in the USA with a manual transmission. I only check one of those boxes, so things aren’t looking good.

Can we get the bride and groom to the altar on time without anyone finding out?

At this point I’d be happy with not killing each other first, because it’s that or falling right back into bed.

Brandon and I aren’t oil and water, we’re more like diesel and regular. Mix us together and things get hot and a little unpredictable.

Cover of Yours
Small town. Big ego. Huge… plans?
Carter Graves is as smooth as the weave of his designer suit, and just as out of my price range. He sweeps into Wittville ready to wheel, deal and melt some panties, quickly topping my short list of men I love to hate and would hate to love.

Before I know it, he’s got his sexy eyes set on me and his talented hands all over my business.

My family’s business, of course. What were you thinking?

The contract he waves in my face will turn my quiet little life upside down, but it’s his seductive smile that threatens to do the same to my heart. If he really thinks being the hottest guy in town is enough to make me roll over and let him turn us into just another faceless franchise, he’s got another think coming.

I’m not signing unless he can convince me he wants more than just another notch on his resume. Or his bedpost.

There’s just one problem with my strategy.

The harder I make him work, the harder it will be to watch him go.

One Flight Stand

Cover of Yours
Is this heaven? Because his body could tempt a saint.
There’s six-foot-yum of sexy man packed into the seat next to me, and nobody’s here to remind me that the heiress of the DiFiero crime family shouldn’t let a stranger convince her to join the mile-high club. Talk about head in the clouds.

Except my reckless decision has a very permanent consequence, and in nine months this one could tear this city apart.

Maybe I should’ve said yes when he asked for my number…

Andrea DiFiero is first class trouble and a serious flight hazard.
I won’t make the same mistake twice.

The girl of my dreams walked off our plane and out of my life, but now that I’ve found her again, she isn’t going anywhere. Even if my mystery woman is the daughter of my family’s greatest rival.

They don’t know it yet, but she’s already mine.

Chicago might never be the same.


Cover of Yours
I didn't want the fairy tale to end.

After several weeks competing in a reality dating show set in an island paradise, I lost the contest, but won the sexy, red-haired and quick-mouthed Englishman who swept me off my feet while the bachelor billionaire wasn't looking. But our real lives are an ocean apart, him in England and me in New York City. How can we really know what we had was real? It doesn't get more artificial than a reality show.

Now the cameras are gone, the spotlights are off, and Danny and I are about to embark on my runner-up prize: a cruise on the Caribbean in a luxury cabin.

He's convinced we're good to go, eager to resume exactly where we left off – in bed, making like rabbits.

Me? I'm not so certain. It can't be that easy, can it?

Then again, he can be pretty convincing.

Yours is a novella-length spin-off story featuring Danny and Bianca who first appeared in my novel Mine. It’s a fully standalone story and can be read on its own, but you’ll get a little extra out of it if you’ve already read Mine, Bossy and Rebel.


A Bad Boy Romance
Cover of Payne: A Bad Boy Romance
Payne Carter? Payne in my ass is more like it.

Tall: check. Brooding: check. Ex-SEAL: check.

Rude, suspicious, still annoyingly sexy: check check check.

If he were a romance hero, he'd be perfect, but as a neighbor, I have to say I'm not impressed.

The department relies on me to keep Alderman Trabucco safe until the election, and as a rookie police officer, I can’t afford to screw this up. Especially not by being too distracted by Jerkface McSexypants upstairs.

Except he’s there every time I turn around, and my instincts scream that he's not who he seems. Of course, my instincts also seem to think clothing is optional when we're together, so I'm not sure what to believe.

All I ever wanted in life was to make a difference in people's lives. Now the good guys are out to kill me, and a killer might be my best chance at staying alive.

Payne will do anything to keep me safe, but who's going to keep me safe from him?


A Stepbrother Romance
Cover of Mine: A Stepbrother Romance
She doesn't know it yet, but she's already mine.

Hunter Campbell is ridiculously wealthy, totally full of himself, and completely, deliciously lickable. It's no wonder women are lining up at the chance to win his heart.

But not me, I'm not here for his love.
I'm here for his whole freakin' island.

See, I grew up in paradise, right up until his family ripped it away from us. Now I'm stuck with nothing, while my playboy stepbrother lives the life that was supposed to be mine.

And I want it back.

All I have to do is keep my hands off his chiseled, inked-up body long enough to sneak back into his life, find the proof I need to reclaim my birthright, and get away before he catches on.


Except my plan seemed a lot easier before he kissed me. Not to mention the mud-wrestling. Oh, and the skydiving. Did I mention skinny dipping?

Things got complicated, okay?


A Stepbrother Romance
Cover of Bossy: A Stepbrother Romance
It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do him.

One night only. No promises, no regrets. He was rich, ripped, inked up, and gone in the morning. I didn't even know his name. Not until I read it off the door on my first day at work.

See, I don't do bad boys, I don't do troublemakers and I sure as heck didn't graduate college with a 3.9 GPA by screwing around.

I was never supposed to see him again, but now he's my new boss, as sexy in a suit as he was between my sheets.

And my new stepbrother.

Having him was a slice of Heaven. Working for him could mean selling my soul. But if the devil looks like Declan Riordan, Hell might be worth the burn.


A Stepbrother Romance
Cover of Rebel: A Stepbrother Romance
I married my stepbrother.

Yeah, no one’s more surprised than me. I can’t stand him.

All I wanted was a quiet summer before starting college. Catch up on my books. Maybe get a summer job. Then he dropped into my life.

His name’s Gavin Caldwell, and he’s stupidly rich. Cocky. Arrogant. Ridiculously, panty-meltingly hot.

And he’s parading around our bridal suite shirtless. Pantless.

He has no freaking shame, and I have to pretend to be in love with him.

I hate him.

So why can’t I stop thinking about him?