Writing Diary: Day 43

Writing Diary: Day 43

Well, 43 days and 58,000 words later, and the first draft is done. Hooray! This is only the first part, though. Next I edit the book, fix inconsistencies, flesh out scenes that need it, ensure there's a continuity, and try to ensure that the book is fun to read....
Writing Diary: Day 42

Writing Diary: Day 42

Yesterday, I was a bit too tipsy to write words. Who even  knew that was possible. I only had time for a few today, but there were some pretty important ones. I kept the quote simple today. 😉 My vacation ends on August 11th, when we all fly home to deal with jet lag...
Writing Diary: Day 41

Writing Diary: Day 41

Due to vacation stuff, I didn't get started writing until around 10:30 pm, but I'm pretty happy with my words for today. I'm so close to the end I can taste it now, but since it's almost 2 am, I should probably go to bed. Still, soon the editing will begin. There's...
Writing Diary: Day 40

Writing Diary: Day 40

Things are heating up, and I'm getting so close to done. I have a big reconciliation scene to finish, some reconciliation sex to write (yay makeup sex!) and an epilogue, and the first draft is done. Then I go back to edit, hopefully applying everything I learned at...
Writing Diary: Day 39

Writing Diary: Day 39

I guess words started back up on Tuesday. RWA was a ton of fun! I saw lots of inspiring talks about craft and business and met up with more awesome writers than you can shake a romance novel at. If I can at all make it, I'm definitely hitting RWA again next year....
Writing Diary: Days 37-38

Writing Diary: Days 37-38

I hardly made any words yesterday, and a few more today, but it's still progress. We're nearing the finishing line, and I'm trying to make it explosive right up to the end. Still, this writing stuff is hard! 🙂 I'm going to a conference for the next four days, milling...