Check out Payne’s sexy cover!

Check out Payne’s sexy cover!

My book's not done! 🙁 Sometimes finishing is the hardest part, (that's what she said 😉 ) but we really are getting close. I know! Excuses, excuses, but where's my damn book? Soon! But one thing I do have for you, that I hope you'll like, is the final cover. I'm so...
Cover reveal of my new novel, Mine!

Cover reveal of my new novel, Mine!

I was supposed to post this several days ago, but first the website was having issues and then I was at a conference in London this weekend and didn't find any time to post, so here it goes! 😀 The new novel is another stepbrother romance, and it's called Mine. I'm...
Bossy: Cover Reveal

Bossy: Cover Reveal

So, my new novel, Bossy, has a cover now. Figured you might like to see it. 😉 We're in the process of wrapping up the editing now, and progress is great. I can't wait to get this out to you guys! Also, I'm accepting signups to be an ARC reader. You can sign up at:...