Mine: A Stepbrother Romance is live!

Mine: A Stepbrother Romance is live!

Hooray! Faster than expected, Amazon has published my newest bad boy novel, Mine: A Stepbrother Romance. I'm super excited about this one, and early readers seem to enjoy it, so here it is. Free with Kindle Unlimited, or if you'd like to purchase it outright, only 99c...
Mine: A Stepbrother Romance is live!

Cover reveal of my new novel, Mine!

I was supposed to post this several days ago, but first the website was having issues and then I was at a conference in London this weekend and didn't find any time to post, so here it goes! 😀 The new novel is another stepbrother romance, and it's called Mine. I'm...
Thank you for making Bossy a success!

Thank you for making Bossy a success!

I've been really bad about updating the website, but my world's been a bit of a whirlwind the last couple of weeks. My new novel, Bossy is getting a great reception, with almost 200 reviews and close to a five-star ranking, which makes me super excited! If you haven't...