by Kim Linwood | Jan 14, 2017 | Excerpt
Oh God, I want this book to be finished so I can send it out to you guys! 😀 Working so hard to get it done, but when your editor says, “Here's a plot hole, go fix it!” what are you going to do? So I beg you to be patient a little while longer. Thank you so...
by Kim Linwood | Oct 21, 2016 | Excerpt, Preview
Today, I typed “THE END” on my next novel, One Flight Stand. 😀 It still has to go through editing, so there are a few weeks left until it’s ready, but it’s a major milestone. I can’t wait to get the story of Montana and Andrea out to you...
by Kim Linwood | Sep 25, 2016 | Preview
I’m pounding the keys for all I’m worth, trying to get this novel ready for you guys. It’s hard work, but at least for now, I’m pretty happy about it. I’m sure I’ll eventually get to that stage where I’m convinced that...
by Kim Linwood | Sep 16, 2016 | Excerpt
So I’ve finally settled on a name for the new novel (unless I change my mind again), and it’s going to be One Flight Stand, for reasons that become apparent very early in the book. As usual, I’m aiming to make the book funny and sexy, and I’m...
by Kim Linwood | Aug 31, 2016 | Preview
There’s a quote about those who enjoy sausage shouldn’t watch how it’s being made, but I guess it depends on what kind of sausage we’re looking at and… God, I have no idea where I’m going with this. But it’s steamy sausage. Or...