Another productive day! Closing in on being 2/3rds done with the novel. 😀

There's naughtiness, office pranks and some hot-ass nearly naked tattooed bad boy stepbrother stuff going on. 😉

tattoo11Today’s words: 3438

Disclaimer: This quote is completely unedited and might be entirely different in the final version!

He cocks his head, arching a brow like he doesn’t quite believe me. Then he starts unbuttoning his shirt.

“What the hell are you doing?” We’re supposed to paint here, not—well, get naked.

“I don’t want to risk spilling paint on my clothes. They’re new.” He drops the dry roller on his desk before he tugs his shirt off, revealing his bright ink, one design at a time. He flashes his cocky smirk before he tosses the white fabric aside. Then he flexes, making his tattoos dance. “Like what you see, babe?