Writing Diary: Day 25

Writing Diary: Day 25

Today was good. Nice and relaxed, and fairly quiet. Even so, I didn’t get writing until the evening, but I’m happy with my word count anyway. That’s vacation for you. 🙂 The plot thickens and feelings are getting hurt. Oh no! Today’s words: 3474...
Writing Diary: Day 24

Writing Diary: Day 24

Well, I’m roughly halfway. Just about 30,000 words now. We’ll see where the story ends up in the end, but my goal is around 60,000 words, anyway. 🙂 Today’s words: 1965 Disclaimer: This quote is completely unedited and might be entirely different in the...
Writing Diary: Day 23

Writing Diary: Day 23

Too much time with family today, but we took the kids to some marvelous July 3rd fireworks. Seeing their faces as the fireworks went up was well worth a lower word count today. 🙂 Also… sexy times are underway! 😀 Today’s words: 528 Disclaimer: This quote is...
Writing Diary: Day 22

Writing Diary: Day 22

I skipped a day, because birthday. 😉 Now I’m back and though I didn’t produce a ton of words, I’ve got good ideas of where this is heading, so hopefully there’ll be more of them tomorrow. 😀 (Hint: it’s heading into sexy times in the...
Writing Diary: Day 21

Writing Diary: Day 21

I actually had a good word day today, even for being on vacation. But the story’s really coming together in my head. Currently up to around 26,000 words, so I’m closing in on halfway through the draft. Hopefully my sense of direction keeps up. Currently...